About MedHealthFit

A leader in the medical fitness and healthcare space, we have positioned our company to change health care in the coming years by putting persons with chronic disease where they belong – in the wellness setting.  We also haven't forgotten about the human element.  Our main goal is to make the lives of patients better through exercise and wellness, and to give health professionals better tools to make their jobs easier.

Eric Durak, Founder

Eric Durak began his career in fitness.  He was fortunate enough to work with some of the top medical researchers in diabetes care, and started Medhealthfit in the early 1990s.  After a 17-year career at the University of California, he has returned “to his roots” and is continuing to test the limits of the wellness industry by forming alliances with technology, insurance, marketing, and medical fitness.

His latest ventures include software development with Welld Health, co-founder of Fitness is Medicine, affiliate with Perform Lab (blood chemistry company) Strategic Partner in  Life Core Group (Aviator health care coaching  program).  Our Private Health Association (PHA)  is groundbreaking in that it will change the business structure for thousands of health clubs and wellness centers allowing them to contract in the private sector.  Eric continues to produce education, podcasts, and award-winning online television shows through TV Santa Barbara and You Tube. 


  • Phil Le Clair

    Phil is the former Business Development Director at Balance Bar Nutrition company, and is our Digital Marketing Director. Our continued growth of content, podcasts, email newsletters, and other programming will be fueled by his knowledge of the internet to bring out message to millions.


  • Bob Esquerre

    Bob serves as my health club business coach, and has been instrumental in steering me in the right direction regarding the next moves for contracts and relationships within the health club industry.


  • Greg Sellar

    Greg is one of the top coaches in the world, hailing from Australia, but coaching clients world-wide. He has been so instrumental in moving me from a worker at a university, to growing the top data and clinical consulting company in the industry.


  • Julie Taguchi, MD

    Julie is the owner and Medical Director of Alive and Thrive Integrative Oncology practice in Santa Barbara, CA. She as been in the medical field for 37 years, and is the author of the groundbreaking book on women’s hormones: Sex, Lies, and Menopause (Wiley Books).


  • Trygve Duryea

    Trygve is Chairman of the Executive Committee and Chief Knowledge Officer for Retained Earnings Company and Success Rules Education, Goleta, CA.


  • Loren Brink

    Loren is the former Chairman and CEO of Health Fitness Corporation and Lumena, SSL. He now serves as founder and CEO of HealthPointe Solutions technology and healthcare company in Austin, TX.


  • Eric Brody

    Eric Brody does everything from enhance our security systems to helping deliver more systems memory to our computers.  He is generous and knowledgeable, and he knows the fitness industry – which is a huge plus.