Population Health
We provide the industry with the tools to analyze the data their programs collect on their members. Our clients include some of the nation’s best clinical exercise programs. We look at the biometric, behavioral, and multi-center information that proves the benefits of exercise from a research perspective. The time for health club post-rehab programs to be published in mainstream medical, health promotion, and sports medicine journals is now. Let us help you get your valuable information published. Here are some of our recent reports:
Eric Durak, Joe Halstead, Sarah Mauger, Nicole Hank. The Use of Malar Skinfold Site as a Reference Point for Exercise and Weight Loss Programs. Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy. 2023, 13(9):599. DOI: 10.4172/2165-7904.1000599
Eric. Durak, Hal Hargrave, Ashton Wray. Using The Perfect Step to Improve the Odds of Ambulation after Spinal Cord Injury. ACSM Health and Fitness Journal. In Press, May 2024.
Eric Durak, Sarah Mauger. The Use of a Red Light, Near-Infrared Magnetic Pulse Micro-Vibration Recovery Devise for Relaxation: It’s use in Reducing Stress Symptoms in Veterans Diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Townsend Newsletter. In Press, Summer, 2024.
Cody Norman, Ashton Wray, Eric Durak, Sarah Mauger. The Effects of Exercise and Post-Rehabilitation Conditioning on Quality of Life and Health Care Indices in Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries: Results of a 10-Year Follow Up Survey. Journal of Exercise Physiology. Jun. 2024. 27(3):19-25. ISSN: 1097-9751.
Questions? Contact us: edurak@medhealthfit.com